The purpose of this Annual Program Statement (APS) is to solicit grant applications for funding available through the Municipal Waste Recycling Program (MWRP) from organizations in the Philippines, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam. The Development Innovations Group (DIG), which administers the program on behalf of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), is seeking prospective non-governmental partners, such as civil society organizations, private sector companies, and academic institutions, that can implement municipal waste recycling solutions with a focus on reducing plastics pollution of the marine environment in the Philippines, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam.
Applicant organizations may propose either starting up or scaling up existing initiatives that provide promising approaches to reduce the amount of plastics entering marine environments. Grant recipients will be expected to share evaluation results and key lessons learned, as well as disseminate periodic information on their activities and outcomes with the broader community engaged with these issues.
Submission Dates: Grant applications, submitted either as an organization’s entry point into the MWRP awarding process or as the result of a successfully-reviewed concept note, will be accepted on a rolling basis. An applicant may submit a concept note at any time. The first submission deadline for applications is on March 31, 2017. Thereafter, quarterly application deadlines are as follows: