
USAID SELARAS Fact Sheet (Indonesian)

USAID SELARAS memajukan tujuan pembangunan Indonesia untuk mengurangi sumber polusi plastik laut dan emisi gas metana di daratan dengan mendorong sistem pengelolaan sampah dan daur ulang yang berkelanjutan serta terintegrasi di perkotaan. Kegiatan ini mencakup tata kelola, pembiayaan, perluasan layanan, dan perubahan perilaku sosial di sektor persampahan melalui kemitraan dengan sektor swasta, masyarakat sipil, dan pemerintah kota. Read More


USAID SELARAS advances Indonesia’s development goal of reducing land-based sources of ocean plastics pollution by promoting sustainable and integrated solid waste management and recycling systems in cities. Read More

USAID Sustainable Municipal Solid Waste Management and Partnership (SELARAS)

USAID SELARAS advances Indonesia’s development goal of reducing land-based sources of ocean plastics pollution by promoting sustainable and integrated solid waste management and recycling systems in cities. Status: Active Country: Indonesia Key Documents: USAID SELARAS Fact Sheet USAID SELARAS Fact Sheet (Indonesian) Issues: Energy and Environment Gender… Read More

Clean Cities, Blue Ocean Indonesia: From Ocean Pollution to Lasting Solutions

Indonesia, the world’s largest archipelagic country with over 270 million people, is renowned for its prosperous seas, vital mangroves, and over 17,000 diverse islands. However, like many countries around the world, its waste management infrastructure is struggling to keep pace with rapid urbanization and escalating plastic pollution, threatening the country’s… Read More