Sri Lanka

Clean Cities, Blue Ocean Sri Lanka Fact Sheet

As a densely populated island nation of 21 million (2018), Sri Lanka faces unique challenges in managing its solid waste. Waste management systems in the country have struggled to keep pace as urban populations have grown and system funding, organization, while local government resources have remained static. Across the country,… Read More

Fostering Partnerships in Sri Lanka to Reduce Ocean Plastic Pollution

As a densely populated island nation of over 21 million people, Sri Lanka faces unique challenges managing its solid waste—including providing waste collection services to all of its residents. With only 20 percent—a little over 5 million households—having access to waste collection services, much of the waste ends up in… Read More

CCBO Launches New Capacity Building Tool for Local Governments

More than 22 million tons of plastic leak into our aquatic environment each year, the majority from land-based sources in communities and cities that aren’t able to adequately collect and manage local waste.  Local governments have an important role in providing on-the-ground services to control waste and prevent ocean plastic… Read More

MWRP Sri Lanka: Engaging Business Sectors to Reduce Plastic Waste

 Municipalities in Sri Lanka struggle to collect and properly dispose of solid waste in their jurisdictions, particularly the growing volume of plastic waste. Renewed economic growth, after the end of Sri Lanka’s civil war in 2009, has strained the country’s solid waste management system. Insufficient disposal sites and mismanaged processes… Read More