
U.S. Agency for International Development, Clean Air Catalyst, and Indore Municipal Corporation Launch New Air Quality Monitoring Stations

FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE New state-of-the-art equipment to provide data on sources of local air pollution  (INDORE, February 15, 2023) The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID), Clean Air Catalyst, and Indore Municipal Corporation (IMC) unveiled three reference-grade air quality monitoring stations, which will provide highly accurate data on local sources… Read More

USAID Shares Key Recommendations for Developing Inclusive Extended Producer Responsibility Frameworks in Support of International Plastics Treaty Negotiations

As negotiations continue to develop the first legally binding agreement on plastic pollution by 2024, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) joined global leaders at the third session of the United Nations Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-3) on plastic pollution in Nairobi, Kenya from November 13-19, 2023 Read More

Announcing the Winners of the 2023 Urbanlinks Photo Contest!

We are excited to announce the winners of the inaugural Urbanlinks 2023 Photo Contest! Over 80 submissions representing 12 countries were submitted to the contest. Submissions to the four themes of Air Quality, Climate, Ocean Plastics, and Urban Communities highlight the work that USAID engages in with local partners, alongside… Read More

Request for Full Application (RFA): “Oceans Plastics-Solid Waste Management” Program

The Regional Office of Acquisition and Assistance (ROAA) is pleased to announce the posting of the Request for Full Application (RFA) no. 72051723RFA00006 for the “Oceans Plastics-Solid Waste Management” program. The due date for applications submissions, under this RFA is September 18, 2023.  Questions regarding this RFA must be submitted in writing, via email, to Mercedes Calderón, at … Read More

USAID Donates Vehicles to the Municipality of Máncora

Cross posted from the Government of Peru  In an effort to reduce pollution, USAID’s Clean Cities, Blue Ocean program, donated a truck and three motorcycle vans to the District Municipality of Máncora. This donation aims to strengthen and support the Municipal Program MÁNCORA RECICLA, to promote recycling in homes… Read More