
From Struggling Utility to Industry Leader: How a Water Utility’s Vision, Innovation, and Commitment are Providing Sustainable Drinking Water in Puerto Princesa City, Philippines

With its white beaches, famed Underground River, and lush forests, Puerto Princesa City in Palawan is often called the Philippines’ cleanest and greenest city. In an island nation where rapid urbanization, environmental degradation, and climate vulnerability hinder water security, the city stands out for high access rates of safe drinking… Read More

Urban October

7 Ways USAID is supporting local and urban governance to build safer, climate resilient, and more sustainable cities The majority of the world lives in cities. When USAID was founded in 1961, roughly 34% of the world’s population lived in urban areas. By 2030, that figure… Read More

Strengthening the Resilience of Cities is Essential, and Smart

New USAID Urban Resilience Programming Guidance Released USAID is pleased to announce the release of new technical guidance for developing and implementing activities that strengthen the resilience of cities and urban communities. The new guidance provides evidence-based, practical recommendations for programming across a variety of sectors in urban… Read More

Systems Thinking Offers a Locally Led Path to More Resilient Cities

Growing cities create exciting opportunities for development and economic expansion. But, as a city rapidly grows in population and size, its infrastructure and services must keep up to meet residents’ needs. Traditional urban planning approaches may exclude certain groups, leaving their priorities ignored. Furthermore, cities are facing increasing climate-related threats… Read More