
Benin Peri-Urban Hygiene Improvement Project Post-Intervention Study

In 2012, USAID/Benin requested assistance from WASHplus to conduct a hygiene improvement activity aimed at households living in the poorest neighborhoods of peri-urban coastal Benin. Recent flooding during the rainy season had led to a severe cholera outbreak, and the neighborhoods established around the lagoons with extremely poor sanitation and hygiene conditions were the most affected. Read More

Ethiopia’s Health Extension Workers Use of Work Time on Duty Time and Motion Study

Ethiopia has implemented an innovative community-based health program, called the health extension program, to enhance access to basic health promotion, disease prevention, and selected curative services by establishing health posts in every village, also called kebeles, with average of 5,000 people, staffed with two health extension workers (HEWs). This time and motion study was conducted to estimate the amount of time that HEWs spend on various work duties and to explore differences in urban compared with rural settings and among regions. Read More