
MWPR Philippines: Introducing Zero Waste to Batangas City

Batangas City manages a centralized waste collection system subcontracted with a private company, the Metrowaste Solid Waste Management Corporation (Metrowaste), which operates daily waste collection services for biodegradable, non-biodegradable, and residual wastes. While Metrowaste covers most parts of the city, many households reside too far from the truck collection routes and therefore have no access to solid waste management (SWM) services. This situation results in illegal dumping and trash burning. Read More

MWRP Philippines: Waste to Wages: Changing the Narrative

Solid waste management is a challenge in the Philippines, a rapidly growing developing country in Southeast Asia comprised of over 7,000 islands. With increasing amounts of waste and not enough sanitary landfills, as much as 750,000 metric tons of discarded plastic finds its way into the ocean annually.1 This environmental crisis also represents a missed opportunity for poor neighborhoods in coastal cities where the value of that waste could be captured, generating much-needed income. Read More

MWRP Philippines: Community and Market-Based Solid Waste Management Solutions

Although the Philippines has passed legislation and created incentives at the national level for comprehensive solid waste management (SWM), supervision and rules enforcement are still weak at the subnational level, leading to mismanaged plastics entering the ocean. Currently less than a quarter of Metro Manila’s barangays1 effectively implement a SWM system. Read More

U.S. and Indonesia Combat Marine Plastic Waste

Jakarta – U.S. Ambassador Joseph R. Donovan Jr., Senior Advisor to the Coordinating Minister for Maritime Affairs Dr. Tukul Rameyo Adi, and Director of Solid Waste Management Dr. Novrizal Tahar of the Indonesian Ministry of Environment and Forestry witnessed the grants signing today awarding six Indonesian civil society organizations with a… Read More