
Developing Integrated Solid Waste Management Plans to Advance Circular Economies

In providing the essential service of waste management to their communities, local governments confront considerable challenges: competing priority issues (i.e., education and health); limited financial resources; growing populations and waste that are outpacing existing infrastructure; and a lack of long-term, data-driven, and goal-oriented approaches to strategically guide their waste management systems. Read More

Save Our Seas Initiative Annual Report 2023-2024

In the second year of the Save Our Seas Initiative, USAID accelerated the creation of new country partnerships and programs to fight ocean plastics. USAID’s focus is on setting up and maintaining long-term relationships with country governments who are central partners in solving this global problem. USAID also focuses on joining forces with other actors, namely the private sector, to expand the effectiveness and reach of limited public sector resources. Read More

USAID Shares Key Recommendations for Developing Inclusive Extended Producer Responsibility Frameworks in Support of International Plastics Treaty Negotiations

As negotiations continue to develop the first legally binding agreement on plastic pollution by 2024, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) joined global leaders at the third session of the United Nations Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee (INC-3) on plastic pollution in Nairobi, Kenya from November 13-19, 2023 Read More

Upcoming Webinar: Leveraging Small, Local Service Providers for Urban Water and Sanitation Services

Join Global Waters for a webinar to learn about recent research conducted by USAID URBAN WASH on approaches for formally leveraging small, local providers of water and sanitation services and a framework for cities to formalize, engage, and partner with these small providers. Then, hear from representatives from Zambia and Mozambique about their experience going through the process for water and fecal sludge emptying services. Read More

Announcing the Winners of the 2023 Urbanlinks Photo Contest!

We are excited to announce the winners of the inaugural Urbanlinks 2023 Photo Contest! Over 80 submissions representing 12 countries were submitted to the contest. Submissions to the four themes of Air Quality, Climate, Ocean Plastics, and Urban Communities highlight the work that USAID engages in with local partners, alongside… Read More

Urban October

7 Ways USAID is supporting local and urban governance to build safer, climate resilient, and more sustainable cities The majority of the world lives in cities. When USAID was founded in 1961, roughly 34% of the world’s population lived in urban areas. By 2030, that figure… Read More

Green Cities Overview

The Green Cities vision is to create healthier and more livable cities for all people, driven by an inclusive, climate-resilient, and circular economy that respects the planet’s boundaries. Read More