
Urban Development Timeline

Rapid urbanization is one of the most important demographic trends of this century. USAID’s success in achieving our core development objectives—eliminating extreme poverty, reducing hunger, improving health, addressing climate change, and fostering democratic, resilient societies— will greatly depend on how we respond to urbanization. Urbanization creates challenges, but it also offers unparalleled opportunities prosperity. Read More

Urban Resilience in Situations of Chronic Violence: Final Report

While the sources and forms of social and political violence have been extensively examined, the ways ordinary people along with their neighbors and officials cope with chronic urban violence have earned far less attention. This eight-case study of cities suffering from a history of violence explores this latter phenomenon, which… Read More

USAID Health Care Improvement Project

This project supported the Ministry of Health to expand best practices in tuberculosis (TB) diagnosis, case management, and Directly Observed Treatment Short course in urban health networks. The project worked to increase the detection of new TB cases, improve the quality and coverage of TB control activities, and improve laboratory support to the TB program. Read More

Land Tenure in Urban Environments

The pace of urbanization and the number of people living in urban settings has increased exponentially over the course of the past century, with more than half of the world’s population now living in urban areas. Read More