Fact Sheet

USAID SELARAS Fact Sheet (Indonesian)

USAID SELARAS memajukan tujuan pembangunan Indonesia untuk mengurangi sumber polusi plastik laut dan emisi gas metana di daratan dengan mendorong sistem pengelolaan sampah dan daur ulang yang berkelanjutan serta terintegrasi di perkotaan. Kegiatan ini mencakup tata kelola, pembiayaan, perluasan layanan, dan perubahan perilaku sosial di sektor persampahan melalui kemitraan dengan sektor swasta, masyarakat sipil, dan pemerintah kota. Read More


USAID SELARAS advances Indonesia’s development goal of reducing land-based sources of ocean plastics pollution by promoting sustainable and integrated solid waste management and recycling systems in cities. Read More

USAID Ocean Plastics Reduction Activity Fact Sheet

The USAID Ocean Plastics Reduction Activity (Ocean Plastics Reduction) is a five-year project to reduce environmental plastics by decreasing plastic inputs and improving integrated solid waste management (SWM) practices in Sri Lanka and Maldives. Read More

Clean Cities, Blue Ocean Maldives Fact Sheet

As an island nation, the Maldives faces a unique set of challenges in managing a rapidly growing volume of waste across its more than 1,200 islands. The country’s dispersed geography, limited land for waste storage, its densely populated capital city, and a host of other unique challenges require the Maldives… Read More

Clean Cities, Blue Ocean Philippines Fact Sheet

Each day, plastics leak into the waters around the more than 7,500 islands of the Philippines, driven by rising production and consumption of single-use plastics. USAID’s Clean Cities, Blue Ocean (CCBO) program is engaging across the Philippines to stop the flow of plastic pollution to the waters within and surrounding… Read More