Issue/Policy Brief

Harmful Traditional Practices in Urban Settings: A Review of the Evidence on Prevalence and Effective Interventions

Harmful traditional practices (HTPs) are destructive practices, sustained by tradition, that negatively impact women and girls. While some evidence exists on HTPs broadly, relatively little is known about their prevalence and effective interventions to address them in urban settings. This brief surveys the evidence, identifies knowledge gaps, and makes recommendations for development partners. Read More

Challenges and Opportunities for Urban Women’s Economic Empowerment

Rapid urbanization creates a range of opportunities and barriers for women to achieve economic growth and prosperity. This brief examines the unique challenges that each pillar of the Women’s Global Development and Prosperity initiative (W-GDP) must address for women in cities and what policies USAID and governments might pursue to improve women’s access to cities’ economic opportunities. Read More

Land Tenure Dynamics in Peri-Urban Zambia

Peri-urban growth in Zambia faces particular challenges due to the interface of state and customary land administration systems with different stakeholders using land under leasehold and customary tenure regimes. Read More