
Save Our Seas Initiative Annual Report 2023-2024

In the second year of the Save Our Seas Initiative, USAID accelerated the creation of new country partnerships and programs to fight ocean plastics. USAID’s focus is on setting up and maintaining long-term relationships with country governments who are central partners in solving this global problem. USAID also focuses on joining forces with other actors, namely the private sector, to expand the effectiveness and reach of limited public sector resources. Read More

Green Cities Overview

The Green Cities vision is to create healthier and more livable cities for all people, driven by an inclusive, climate-resilient, and circular economy that respects the planet’s boundaries. Read More

Save Our Seas Initiative Annual Report 2022-2023

Ocean plastic pollution has reached crisis levels: every minute an entire garbage truck’s worth of plastic enters the world’s oceans—amounting to an alarming 11 million metric tons per year. In response to these mounting challenges, USAID launched the Save Our Seas Initiative—a global effort to combat ocean plastic pollution. Read More

Building Resilient Infrastructure: How to Create Strong and Adaptable Transport Systems

This Toolkit explores how climate change affects transportation infrastructure. It provides information about how governments can assess the vulnerability of their transportation infrastructure and systems to the impacts of climate change, and identify and implement adaptation strategies to make their transportation system more resilient to climate change impacts.

Making the Economic Case for Cycling

Cycling has significant economic benefits — for individuals, cities, and society — and functions as a low-cost, high-yield, scalable solution to climate and equity issues. Investments in cycling infrastructure also create jobs and opportunities to expand existing industries or develop new ones. While many cities have seen firsthand the benefits of… Read More

On-Street Parking Pricing Guide

Rapid motorization has been a global trend in recent decades and has presented troubling consequences, such as air and noise pollution, traffic-related injuries and deaths, and inequity. As vehicle use increases, so does demand for storing vehicles, both for short-term stays on the street near drivers’ destinations and longer-term stays… Read More