Technical Note/Tool

Marine Litter Audit Guidebook

Clean Cities, Blue Ocean’s Marine Litter Audit Guidebook provides practical guidance on measuring the rate, extent, and composition of litter that is intentionally deposited on, or washes onto, a beach area to measure the extent and impacts of marine litter on beach-front areas in communities. Read More

Street Litter Audit Guidebook

Clean Cities, Blue Ocean’s Street Litter Audit Guidebook provides practical guidance on conducting street litter audits—a standardized approach to measuring the extent and impacts of litter on city streets and walkways to help to understand the extent of the litter problem in communities. Read More

Clean Cities Blue Ocean Initial Gender Assessment

This tool was developed by USAID’s Clean Cities, Blue Ocean (CCBO) program to help each of its partners assess whether and how their own organization applies a gender lens; identify areas where the organization may need to think about more thoroughly about implementing its programs in terms of gender; and… Read More