
Access for All – Gender

This report is designed to give urban planners, traffic engineers, and other stakeholders recommendations on principles to follow when designing streets and transportation systems that are accomodating to all road users. Gender has a significant bearing on travel patterns: for example, women and caregivers are more likely to chain together… Read More

Streets for Walking and Cycling

This guide highlights strategies that African cities can use to ensure that city infrastructure is able to accomodate pedestrians and cyclists. Walking and cycling are highly prevalent modes of transportation in African cities, and yet many do not have the infrastructure necesarry to make these trips safe and comfortable. This… Read More

Women and Children’s Access to the City

This report helps transportation planners create urban mobility systems and city fabric that are more responsive to the needs of caregivers, women and children in the city. Behavioral scientists, advocates and gender groups can use this report as a source of messaging and recommendations for more inclusive cities. Women and… Read More

The TOD Standard

“The TOD Standard” is a resource suitable for a wide range of users, including policymakers, planners, developers, engineers, and the general public who want to learn about why and how to implement Transit Oriented Development (TOD). TOD is the principle of planning land use such that residents are an easy… Read More

The Benefits of Shifting to Cycling

This infographic is designed for the general public to better understand the global benefits of cycling. The audience may include cycling advocates, politicians and academics who are interested in expanding their knowledge around cycling benefits. Urban planners an dlegislators can also use this infographic to help explain and justify investments… Read More