
Rapid Appraisal Facility Tool

The Rapid Appraisal Facility Tool (RAFT) is a form-based tool that provides solid waste management staff and planners a quick and efficient way to collect key data about a city’s current solid waste and recycling systems, including its individual disposal and processing facilities, to inform solid waste management planning and… Read More

Clean Cities, Blue Ocean Philippines Fact Sheet

Each day, plastics leak into the waters around the more than 7,500 islands of the Philippines, driven by rising production and consumption of single-use plastics. USAID’s Clean Cities, Blue Ocean (CCBO) program is engaging across the Philippines to stop the flow of plastic pollution to the waters within and surrounding… Read More

From Struggling Utility to Industry Leader: How a Water Utility’s Vision, Innovation, and Commitment are Providing Sustainable Drinking Water in Puerto Princesa City, Philippines

With its white beaches, famed Underground River, and lush forests, Puerto Princesa City in Palawan is often called the Philippines’ cleanest and greenest city. In an island nation where rapid urbanization, environmental degradation, and climate vulnerability hinder water security, the city stands out for high access rates of safe drinking… Read More