
CCBO Launches New Capacity Building Tool for Local Governments

More than 22 million tons of plastic leak into our aquatic environment each year, the majority from land-based sources in communities and cities that aren’t able to adequately collect and manage local waste.  Local governments have an important role in providing on-the-ground services to control waste and prevent ocean plastic… Read More

From the Field: Strengthening Local Waste Systems from Top to Bottom

Catholic Relief Services and their partner Caritas Pasig, Inc., have worked in the City of Manila to improve solid waste management (SWM) through a multi-pronged approach: strengthening local government capacity and planning, promoting more sustainable community practices amongst community members, and empowering waste collectors who are vital to local waste systems.  Read More

Eco-Warriors: From Waste Collectors to Community Leaders

Cross-posted from USAID Medium Annually, the Philippines generates an estimated 2.7 million tons of plastic waste. Each day alone more than 163 million single-use plastic sachets (small, single-dose packaging) are used for many products — from instant coffee to washing detergent — a low-cost, convenient alternative… Read More

Timor-Leste: Paving the Way on Plastics Recycling

A staggering 70 tons of plastic waste is generated on a daily basis in Timor-Leste, a population of 1.3 million, threatening human health, wildlife, and tourism. Plastic is burned in rubbish piles, clogs critical drainage infrastructure, and washes up on its once pristine beaches. This creates risks to human health… Read More

Building Gender-Equal Cities in Tunisia: The Femmedina Project

Urban Public Spaces: Why Gender Matters Despite persistent global efforts to advance gender equality, women in cities around the world still encounter countless challenges that hinder their participation in city life. From public spaces to service provision, and from transportation to land management and housing, gender inequalities are built into… Read More

Plastic is a Climate Issue, Too

A wide range of environmental changes threaten development. Of these challenges, climate change and plastic pollution in particular inspire concern and action from governments, scientists, and advocates alike. While it is easy to silo the approaches we take to address plastic pollution and climate change, there are fundamental connections between the two issues that can… Read More