
Monitoring Particulate Air Pollution and Human Health in Africa

Status: Active Region: Africa Country: Ethiopia South Africa Key Documents: [Project Poster] In-Situ Particulate Matter Monitoring in Ethiopia: Spatial and Temporal Trends of Ambient PM2.5 and Black Carbon [Presentation] NASA's Multi-Angle Imager for Aerosols Investigation in Africa: An Integrated Satellite and Surface Monitoring Approach for Mapping Speciated… Read More

Clean Air Catalyst

Clean Air Catalyst is a global partnership launched in 2020 by The U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) to find lasting solutions to air and climate pollution that also contribute to addressing its inequitable effects in the most polluted urban regions around the world. Status: Active… Read More

Toxic Sites Identification Program (TSIP)

Reducing the Threat of Toxic Chemical Pollution Project Overview Pollution is the largest environmental cause of death in the world. The goal of the project is to assist governments and communities heavily impacted by toxic pollution in low-and middle-income countries to take locally led action at the community, regional… Read More

Ethiopia’s Rapid Urbanization Requires Innovative Municipal Finance

By 2037, Ethiopia’s urban population will double to 42.3 million people. Job creation and innovative municipal financing mechanisms will be integral to a successful urban transition and long term economic growth for the country. To drive the creation of new revenue streams through its industrial sector, Ethiopia has built… Read More

Municipal Finance: Self-Reliant Cities Generate their Own Revenue

Cities account for nearly 80 percent of global domestic product. A suite of municipal services exists to support urban economic growth including water and sanitation, housing, transportation, and more. Both city residents and the businesses employing them require these services to thrive. However, despite growing demands from rapidly urbanizing populations,… Read More

Land Tenure Dynamics in Peri-Urban Zambia

Peri-urban growth in Zambia faces particular challenges due to the interface of state and customary land administration systems with different stakeholders using land under leasehold and customary tenure regimes. Read More

Building Urban Resilience to Climate Change: A Review of South Africa

This assessment examines the legal and regulatory environment, intergovernmental coordination, information generation and information sharing, climate change adaptation (CCA) capacity (and urban management capacity more generally), and financial resources and financial mechanisms available in South Africa to address urban CCA priorities. Read More