
USAID MWRP Video Updates: Misool Foundation, Indonesia

Raja Ampat, Indonesia is home to some of the richest marine biodiversity in the world. USAID grantee Misool Foundation works to protect this marine environment through the Bank Sampah-Community Waste Recycling Program, which supports waste collection and recycling services with… Read More

USAID MWRP Video Update: Sri Lanka Center for Development Facilitation

USAID grantee Sri Lanka Center for Development Facilitation (SLCDF) works to address plastic waste dumping in Jaffna, Sri Lanka. The city dumps one of the country’s highest volumes of plastic waste per capita into the marine environment, largely due to the lack of an established solid waste management system. SLCDF’s… Read More

USAID’s Clean Cities, Blue Ocean Program Calls for Grant Applications

Clean Cities, Blue Ocean (CCBO) is USAID’s flagship program addressing ocean plastic pollution. The five-year program (2019-2024) works across Asia, Latin America, and the Caribbean–currently in the Dominican Republic, Maldives, Peru, the Philippines, Sri Lanka, and Vietnam–to identify, test, and scale locally-driven solutions to promote the 3Rs (reduce, reuse, recycle),… Read More

Municipal Waste Recycling Program (MWRP) – Sri Lanka Country Profile

Each year, eight million metric tons of plastic pour into the world’s ocean. This global crisis is exacerbated by poor waste management systems of rapidly urbanizing coastal cities in developing countries. Recent scientific research shows Sri Lanka contributes up to 640,000 metric tons of plastic waste to oceans annually, making it the world’s fifth largest polluter by total mass of mismanaged plastic debris. Read More

Municipal Waste Recycling Program (MWRP) – Philippines Country Profile

Each year, eight million metric tons of plastic pour into the world’s ocean. This global crisis has origins in poor waste management systems of rapidly urbanizing coastal cities in developing countries. The Philippines—comprised of over 7,000 islands—is the world’s third largest plastic polluter to the marine environment, contributing approximately 750,000 metric tons annually. Read More

Municipal Waste Recycling Program USAID MWRP Fact Sheet

 KEEPING PLASTICS OUT OF THE OCEAN Every year, eight million metric tons of plastic waste pour into the world’s ocean—the equivalent of a garbage truck dumping a load of plastic into the ocean every minute.1 Ineffective waste management systems and infrastructure in developing countries have led to much of this… Read More