
Collaboration in Indonesia to Combat Ocean Plastic

For Indonesia, plastic waste entering the ocean is a huge problem. The country is the number two contributor of plastic waste in the ocean causing negative environmental effects and hurting tourism, a driving economic force for the country. (See Jameck… Read More

Moving Up the Recycling Value Chain

In the Philippines, both formal and informal private sector actors manage the recycling value chain. Small recycling centers called junk shops play a critical role in this chain by purchasing recyclables from independent waste collectors and then reselling to larger materials processing facilities. Junk shop ownership is a key… Read More

Municipal Waste Recycling Program

Providing grants and technical assistance for promising solid waste management and waste recycling efforts in urban and peri-urban areas With rapid global population growth and urbanization, municipal waste generation is expected to rise to 2.2 billion tons per year by 2025 according to the World Bank. Much of this waste… Read More

Circulate Capital Partnership

Circulate Capital’s strategy focused on providing financing to companies and projects in the recycling value chain to reduce improperly disposed of municipal solid waste and encourage new investment in this sector. Read More

Save Our Seas Initiative

Our Goal – End the Flow of Plastic Pollution into the Ocean by 2040 Ocean plastic pollution has reached a crisis level, threatening the world’s delicate marine ecosystems, major industries such as fishing and tourism, food security, and ultimately human health. Every minute, the equivalent of an entire… Read More

Clean Cities, Blue Ocean

While CCBO is global in scope, the program will build on previous USAID recycling programs such as the Municipal Waste Recycling Program through an initial focus on key countries in Asia and Latin America. Read More